Oh, uh, hi there!
I should have done this a while ago!
Replay-Value has a REAL website now! All the comics from this blog plus a TON more are there, along with all kinds of other artwork, animations, live-action skitches, and more.
www.replayvaluestudios.comCheck it out! It updates Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. See you there!
Holy Jeeze
Wow, it's been over a year since I last posted something here. That sucks. And yet, I have about 50 new Replay-Value comics sitting inside my dead laptop. I'll see what I can do to rectify this situation...
So, uh, yeah....
Did I ever mention this before?

Well, now's as good a time as ever I guess!
Electronic music sensation The Volt Per Octaves asked Replay Value Studios to produce the artwork for their sophomore album, "moogsaic"! The CD will be available both online and in-stores WORLDWIDE.
These guys are really, really awesome. I know Nick, the lead moog-er, from work at Trader Joe's. At one of their concerts he saw me drawing in my sketchbook and liked what he saw so much he insisted I draw the album art for his band's new CD! OF COURSE I said YES! And after much hard work it's finally available.
Seriously, Nick and his wife Anne are just fantastic, their first album is available on iTunes so be sure to check it out.
This is one of a few reasons that Replay-Value has been lagging so poorly recently. Expect to see many many more collaborations between the VPO and RPV in the future. I'll try to post pictures of the actual CD case tomorrow. It's really surreal seeing my Replay-Value caricatures on a real-world product that will be available in stores around the globe. Not to mention on posters, t-shirts, magnets, stickers, and even matchbooks!
Edit: Oh yeah, and on that poster, where it says "featuring collaborations with Roger Manning Jr (of Beck and Air)"? Inside the CD cover are caricatures of everyone featured on the CD. Caricaturing the keyboard-player from Beck? Not stressful at all.
(He loved it!)
Happy Birthday?
Well, yesterday was the 15th of August and that marks Replay-Value's one-year anniversary. But since the comic only really ran for half of that I don't know if it counts. Maybe I'll hold off on doing special parties until the real page launches. Which was also supposed to be up months and months ago.
Yes, there is a Day Four ComiCon comic. Only reason it's not up yet is... I'm having trouble with the last panel (Yes, for a month), and I just got a tablet for my MAC and it's taking some serious adjusting time. As for why one panel could hold me up for a month, well... you'll unerstand when you see it.
And as soon as that's done, Series 2 can start. :3
Day Three Comic
This was about how much we saw of Bryce. Over the four days of panels, Eric and I had an astounding one shared with Bryce. We talked about it, and decided Bryce didn't actually attend ComiCon at all, but rather spent his time looking for prostitutes and selling drugs.
And no, they aren't supposed to have mouths in the last panel.
Day Three
Pineapples are what it's all about, yup yup!
Picked up the SDCC '07 Exclusive version of these on Day Three. They're awesome. Chris' style translated perfectly into a 3D sculpt.
I also met up with IRON MAN!
Comic to follow later...
Day Two Comic
They are seriously all over the place. One of them even attempted to pistol-whip someone who got in their way on the show floor. Just because you're dressed in a Star Wars costume doesn't mean you can act like a dick and get away with it. I will make a demeaning comic of you and post it online for all three of my fans to read.
Day Two - Updated
Let's just say that Humberto Ramos drew a picture of me today.
Update: Let me just say that I am shocked, SHOCKED, at how many people chose to text me asking who Ramos was, over simply Google Searching it. Wow.
This is Humberto Ramos' blog. He's a famous Marvel artist and all-around really nice guy. Very easy to talk to, very friendly, and he has an amazing style. I don't know if I'll ever post anything from Kid Bombastic or The Breaker on this page but, and this is ESPECIALLY true for The Breaker, his style is a massive influence. And I got him to draw me. :p
Day One Comic
Shit. There's so much going on this year it's
a) impossible to find time to update
b) impossible to choose an event to make comics out of!
But yeah, the Iron Man shirts ARE really fucking cool, and they DO glow in the dark. The design on the shirts is ironic, too, considering what happens in Replay-Value once the actual story starts up again...
Day One
Met up with Erwin Haya from
One Sick Individual yesterday and got him to sketch in his new book for me. I'm discovering that one great thing about having a young face is that since it never changes, people recognize you immediately, even though a year has passed!
I also met up with
Dean Yeagle and got his new book, but sadly I do not think he remembers me. That's OK though, "Mandy's Shorts" makes up for it. :p
Went to a hand full of panels yesterday, too. Saw the trailers for a lot of sweet upcoming movies, (Iron Man is going to KICK SO MUCH ASS OMG) and got a bun ch of awesome free swag (Iron Man shirt KICKS SO MUCH ASS OMG). Eric and I also went to a documentary on Pixar, which was just incredible. They had a bunch of footage from the early cuts of Toy Story that I'd never seen before. Woody was a major asshole. The doc just made my desire to work for them even stronger, though.
Anyways, the comic will be up sometime later tonight, with the Day Two comic showing up tomorrow morning. Basically how this'll be working is the comic for each day will go up the day after that day just occurred. So, see you in a few hours!