Monday, November 27, 2006

046 - What Matt's Doing - Hour One // Critter Island - Part 1

This one is meant to be a cap / break between the Pit of Fire and the arc that starts after it:


Woo! Welcome to Critter Island!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Pit of Fire - Part 9


I ended up redrawing the whole thing. :x

I'm going to be updating two comics a day starting Monday so I can deplete my back stock and get everyone up to speed. So Monday, Wednesday, and Friday will each have two comics per day.

Also, I have seen the new site and it is glorious. I cannot wait until it's up and running.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Pit of Fire - Parts 1 - 8

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Part 9, the finale, will be up in a few. I'm re-drawing parts of it right now.

Happy Mini-Relaunch everyone!