Space - Part 5

And here's the finale to my first arc.
Now, there's something I'd like to address about how plot points work in Replay Value. Everything has an explaination behind it. This comic is kinda like LOST in that way, lots and lots of foreshadowing and sideways hints at future events. You may be wondering,
How did Garrett get lost in the jungle? How did he find his way out?
Who is Beth?
Who or what is the Confetti Penis?
What happened to Garrett's car?
Who are Daniel and Matt? (Besides Garrett's roommates)
Where did Garrett get the Ice Cream?
Why am I mentioning Bryce in this sentance? Who is he?
How the fuck did Garrett survive re-entry through Earth's atmosphere after being hit by a meteorite?
These are all things that actually have answers. I pride myself in fleshing out the world that I work with and in the future you'll all see that. There are hints set up in Monday's epilogue that tease the answer to that last question.
Also, Replay Value is something that spans mediums. Right now it's a simple black-and-white comic but from its inception seven years ago I've imagined it as a comic/cartoon duo. Some stories are just better told in an animated medium, y'know? So maybe we'll find out how Garrett got lost in the jungle when the Replay Value Animated Series starts?
Anyways, thanks to everyone (all, what, five of you?) that enjoyed the first arc. You're almost home free of this story!