048 & 049
Ok.Fuck Blogspot.
I upgraded to their new Beta thing, and yet each time I try to update I spend 40 minutes trying to even sign into the site. Then, IF I get into the site, whatever updates I try to make, crash.
So I'm going to stop using blogspot for my main site. Twice now I've been fucking right in the middle of an arc, leaving everyone hanging and it's really pissing me off. So I figure if I'm going to be sticking you all with cliffhangers I'm going to atleast make them planned.
Which brings me to Replay Value 49, which will be the end of "Season One" for Replay Value:

And Replay Value 49, the Teaser for "Season Two" which will launch with the new site in the next few days/weeks:

Yes, that little logo there in the corner is for the Replay Value Animated Series. This blog, once the new site is up and running, will turn into a kind of production journal for behind the scenes looks at RPV:TAS. That way I'll be able to update whenever Blogspot lets me and it won't be too important if I miss days, since there won't be a schedule over here anymore.
Anyways, that's it for Replay Value on Blogspot. I'm going to be meeting with my friend tonight about the real website - the last time I saw him I gave him The Archive, so hopefully server issues have been sorted out and things will be ready to roll really soon.
I'll keep everyone posted when the new site goes live.