034 - Euphemisms - 01

This isn't an arc, per-se, just an idea I had for some comics that are strung together not just by a story but also their heavy reliance on visual gags. As it is now this story is only set to run for two comics, so don't worry - it'll be about a week and a half before I embark on something like "Welcome to Hell" again.
Which reminds me. Progress on the actual Replay Value website is going well. The only reason it would miss the November 1st launch date would be because of server issues. As it stands now a friend of mine hired me to make some logos for his new venture, and in return he's building my web page and has offered me space as well. However the guy who owns the server is fortifying it or something at the moment so it may not be ready by November 1st.
Also, I got some mothafuckin' fan art, yo!

Thanks Andrew!