028 - Wu Tang Style

I jumped the gun, so to speak. Oops.
I've been watching Battlestar Galactica for the last week. Bryce and Daniel have been on my case since July, if not before then, to watch it. I just completed Season 2.0 tonight. I have... mixed feelings. It doesn't grasp me and force me to watch it like LOST and The 4400 do, but it's still a well-written, interesting show. It has me kinda on the fence, because on one hand, I don't really care if I see the rest of it. However, on the other hand I'm always shouting, "OH FUCK THAT STUPID PRESIDENT! THAT NEW COMMANDER CHICK IS AN ASSHOLE!"
I don't know why but I just can't get into space dramas. I hate Star Wars, have never watched Star Trek, Battlestar gets an OK from me, Farscape only wins because of the hot blue chick and the cartoon episode, and Firefly I'm watching only as a trade to get Jessica to watch LOST. It does have a catchy theme song though.
Not nearly as catchy as the Replay Value Animated Series theme, but it'll be a while yet before any of you get to hear that. Tee hee!