Welcome to Hell - Part 7 - Epilogue One

Sorry for the lateness and the shit-ton of text. Now that the six-part main story has concluded, there's a four-part epilogue that'll tie up everything that's happened during this arc. So check back Friday for something none of you will expect.
Meanwhile, it's sweeps season and a load of new TV dramas are starting. Here's my thoughts on some of the pilots I've caught.
Jericho (NBC) was really good. I was having a little trouble at the start figuring out why this show would be compelling... in LOST, they can't tell what's happened to the rest of the world because they're on an island. In Jericho, they're on the mainland. They see a mushroom cloud in the distance and assume the world is over? Well, not quite, the show does a good job of explaining itself and I enjoyed it. There's supposedly something screwy with the town itself, so I'm deffinately gonna keep my eye on this one.
Heroes (NBC) was also really good. It chronicles several (seemingly) unrelated people who discover that they have special abilities. It's a pretty realistic take on super powers and I'm interested to see where it goes. Hopefully they'll delve into "scientific" explainations of how each power works, that'd be sweet. Heroes, though, might be a bit too straight-foreward and cliche for some people, (They kind of beat you over the head with their powers instead of letting them subtly form) so luckily there's...
The 4400 (???) I have no idea what channel this airs on, and I think it's starting its fourth season soon, but OH MY GOD. I thought Heroes was awesome but for as cool as Heroes is, The 4400 shits all over it. Over the span of 50 years 4400 people go missing - abducted by aliens. Suddenly a white ball of light comes to Earth and brings them all back at once - they haven't aged a day and have no idea what's happened to them. Slowly, however, it becomes apparent that they've been tampered with as they each have some form of special ability. REALLY good pilot to this one, I am sooooo hooked.
All said and done though Arrested Development is still the best show ever. Everyone go buy the DVDs (There's only 3 seasons and they're pretty cheap). If you have any sense of humor at all you will laugh at this show. Just brilliant.