Welcome to Hell - Parts 1 & 2

Here's the first two parts of the Super Arc I promised. I even did a bit of coloring on these to make them flashy.
As I was driving home from Berkeley Wednesday night, this happened. Well, I mean, I ran out of gas and pulled off into a totally dead little side town. I get the hell out of there through and made it to the next city before my car died, thank God. But will I be so lucky in the comic? Atmospheric re-entry is one thing, but this is something else completely.
Parts 3 & 4 will be uploaded on Sunday and Monday, and then it'll be a short break from story arcs. The town I rolled into that night just provided me with too good a story to pass up.
I had a request for a new wallpaper based off panel 3 in "Goodbye Jessica - Part 3."

That bear will be showing up more in the future. He's got his own story and everything. It was an inside joke I think maybe two people could have caught.