Space - Part 6 - Epilogue

And here's the REAL ending to the arc. It's a sideways answer as to how Garrett survived, but it of course opens up a whole slew of new questions. Mainly, "What the fuck?" In due time, my children. In due time.
I've also changed how I title the comics. Now arcs will have names to keep them seperate from the regular gag strips (the first of which is coming Wednesday!). I've retrofitted this to the last five comics, as well as adding in the sound effects to panel 1 in Part 4 like I said I would.
Hope you've enjoyed the first arc! I had ALOT of fun making it. So much, infact, that I'm tempted to start updating five days a week... my day just feels empty when I'm not working on a new comic. But then, the extra time does give me a chance to work on the RPV animated shorts. We'll see.
Update: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Holy shit - COLOR?! Don't get used to it just yet folks. I like black and white the best, so I only intend to use color when the story calls for it.