008 - Oops

Ok, THIS is Replay Value in true form. Short, sick, and based on a real event. This is pretty much exactly what happened at work today. (The girl in the first panel is the Demo Supervisor at my Trader Joe's. I've worked there for about half a year but she's going to train me for Demo Supervisor, hence she's restating the rules.) Then the last panel is where my twisted imagination shines through. I have a wallpaper of that last panel too I'll put up later today so you can all see the glorious detail. It's not how I would have liked to introduce my job in the comic but I left my script book at my parent's house so I was a bit SOL for today's update. I'll make a better intro for it after the next few arcs.
Speaking of which, there's going to be a mini-arc on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next week. I'll be going out of town for three days and the comic will chronicle my travels up north. Then a break on Thursday and we'll be back to our regular schedule on Friday.
Update: Ok, so, technically it's Saturday now so I dropped the ball. However I not only made and colored a desktop out of the last panel in 008, but I re-wrote the text in the whole thing too. (I like the shortened script better, and the preface atleast lets you know where the comic takes place.)

Yes, those are anal beads hanging from the ceiling and around Garrett's neck.
Yes, those are fountains of TubGirl.
Yes, that is a giant shit-streak behind the KoA logo.
Yes, the arms of the chair are Goatse.
Yes, so is the back of the chair.
Yes, Garrett's crown in a butt with some poop sqeezing out.
Yes, Garrett is standing on a cushion shaped like a butthole.
Thus I dare you to use that as your wallpaper. I personally am going to print it out and hang it on my bathroom door.