007 - Here's to GAF

Ok this is what a regular, non-arc comic is like. They're usually much shorter but this idea needed to be completely fleshed out. This is also more along the lines of what kind of humor Replay Value has. The Space arc was insanely tame compared to some of the other things I've made in the past and have planned for the future.
Anyways, the story behind this is that it's only half mine. I was browsing GAF and someone posted a comic they'd started about three little girls who wanted to go to the mall but they couldn't, so they were going to take pictures of themselves instead. The comic ended there and a part 2 was promised, but I thought, "You know how I'D end that?" and that's how this comic came to be.
The sultry pictures of the three girls were thrown in there simply to make everyone uncomfortable. I actually felt a little uneasy drawing them - and this is coming from a guy who animated a girl giving a dog a blowjob and didn't even flinch.
Update: Oh Jesus. I just realised what I named the girls. Gwen and Stacy? I wasn't even thinking. I'm so sorry, Peter.