I... *cough* I LIVE!!
Replay Value is coming back friends. And in a big way. I'm a massive dick for letting this site just rot like this for months on end. I've had three different people tell me they'd help me rebuild my site and look what I have to show for it! Bah! Luckily now that blogspot has had time to work out its kinks I'll start posting things again. Sometimes it'll be comics, sometimes it'll just be artwork. I've gotten into the habit of reading all my favorite artist's blogs and I'm thinking, "You know, I have a blog, it's functional, to hell with it I need to start updating again."So, yeah. I have another 50 Replay-Value comics planned out (three main story arcs and a shitload of retarded one-offs) to constitute the Series 2, and I've been busy with Replay Value Studio's first ever official project for a real actual product. (More on that later.)
To tide you over until the first real update, though, here's some concept art for Series 2: (Warning, the second one is rather huge)

Till next time!