Welcome to Hell - Part 8 - Epilogue Two
Mwahahahahaha! I wasn't kidding when I said the epilogue would tie up
everything. So while the actual Welcome to Hell arc continues in each part of the epilogue, each page ends a segment of the story.(Hence it still being called "Welcome to Hell" and not "Now Leaving Hell")
Two more to go!
Welcome to Hell - Part 7 - Epilogue One
Sorry for the lateness and the shit-ton of text. Now that the six-part main story has concluded, there's a four-part epilogue that'll tie up everything that's happened during this arc. So check back Friday for something none of you will expect.
Meanwhile, it's sweeps season and a load of new TV dramas are starting. Here's my thoughts on some of the pilots I've caught.
Jericho (NBC) was really good. I was having a little trouble at the start figuring out why this show would be compelling... in LOST, they can't tell what's happened to the rest of the world because they're on an island. In Jericho, they're on the mainland. They see a mushroom cloud in the distance and assume the world is over? Well, not quite, the show does a good job of explaining itself and I enjoyed it. There's supposedly something screwy with the town itself, so I'm deffinately gonna keep my eye on this one.
Heroes (NBC) was also really good. It chronicles several (seemingly) unrelated people who discover that they have special abilities. It's a pretty realistic take on super powers and I'm interested to see where it goes. Hopefully they'll delve into "scientific" explainations of how each power works, that'd be sweet. Heroes, though, might be a bit too straight-foreward and cliche for some people, (They kind of beat you over the head with their powers instead of letting them subtly form) so luckily there's...
The 4400 (???) I have no idea what channel this airs on, and I think it's starting its fourth season soon, but OH MY GOD. I thought Heroes was awesome but for as cool as Heroes is, The 4400 shits all over it. Over the span of 50 years 4400 people go missing - abducted by aliens. Suddenly a white ball of light comes to Earth and brings them all back at once - they haven't aged a day and have no idea what's happened to them. Slowly, however, it becomes apparent that they've been tampered with as they each have some form of special ability. REALLY good pilot to this one, I am sooooo hooked.
All said and done though
Arrested Development is still the best show ever. Everyone go buy the DVDs (There's only 3 seasons and they're pretty cheap). If you have any sense of humor at all you will laugh at this show. Just
Welcome to Hell - Part 6
"But I thought the asteroid assimilated the fridge?"
Wednesday is only two days away...
Speaking of Wednesdays, I have a problem. There's a company meeting Wednesday, October 4th from 9:30PM till 11:30pm. Know what else is on that day? LOST Season 3 premier. Know what else? South Park Season 10 part 2. And no, the answer isn't "tape it."
"I'm boned."
Daniel's new Friend - Part 3 // Welcome to Hell - Part 5
Oh shit the storylines MERGED! You'll soon see that everything that took place during the "break" from the WtH arc has a purpose. Also, get ready to find out how Garrett got his car back from Texas after the Space arc... might not be what you expect.
I'd also just like to use this space to say that Arrested Development is possibly the best TV show I've ever seen. I'm halfway through Season 2 and I am soooo sad this got cancelled. I can't imagine why, it's phenominal. I reccommend it to everyone.
Also, I've seen the Season Premiers for Family Guy and American Dad - both of which are hilarious. The Fall Seasons are starting up very soon so I have alot of series premiers to watch - Heroes, Studio 60, Jericho, South Park, Lost... it's gonna get freakin' hectic!
Daniel's New Friend - Part 2
So exciting! I've come down with a nasty cold. I was going to push the update back to Thursday but I felt bad about doing that, so I condensed what was somehow a four panel comic into just one quick comic. Harry Palm, get it?
Daniel's New Friend - Part 1
Daniel fell in love with a dying palm tree sprout at Ralph's tonight. For only $1.99 he figured he could nurse it back to health. It currently resides on our porch... atop one of my dinner plates.
017 - Eat at Robby's
Girls can be vicious creatures, yo. Poor Jenny.
Well, I made it a month and I only missed one update. (Which, IMO I more then made up for with the awesome, still-in-progress Welcome to Hell arc!) Not too bad I'd say. Happy One-Month-Brithday Replay Value! Yay!
016 - Bonding
I actually had to do a fair ammount of digging to find some Replay Value scripts that didn't feature Garrett in them. Since the comic follows my life there aren't very many situations where I'm not around. But seeing as I'm pre-occupied about 153 miles north of Daniel and Matt at this point in the story, I had to find other things for them to do without me. Which is cool because they've been MIA since the Space arc. So expect to see more of their antics over the next few days.
Plus, I mean, look at that barren background. It's like that for a reason, you know - the couch is still destroyed so they have nothing to sit on. Guess they'll need to get a new couch from someone soon, hmm? It's more exciting than it sounds.
Welcome to Hell - Part 4
Yes, I did say today would be the end of this arc. And it is.... CLIFFHANGER! :O ZOMG what's gonna happen next? When will you find out? NOT EVEN I KNOW YET AAAAAHHHHH!
Website note: I saw this page for the first time in Internet Explorer the other day and it's a mess. The solution to this is for those of you with IE to get FireFox.
For those of you unwilling to change, I am also unwilling to change. Not until the actual site goes up will I cater to IE users because IE is just as big a mess as my webpage is when viewed in it. And that last sentance, too, is a mess. Just like IE.
And it does look rather spiffy in FireFox, folks. A bit simple still, but nice.
Welcome to Hell - Part 3
The only thing that scares me worse than zombies is The Yellow Submarine's art style, but that doesn't really fit into this story very well.
For those of you keeping track, the comic is called Replay Value partly because it deals with situations that leave strong imprints on my friends and I - situations with high "Replay Value" as the video game term goes. Hence this arc's parody of Resident Evil 4. But that's only half of the reason. The rest of the story will be told a little later on. I'd estimate around the time of the real website's launch. Seems like a good way to kick things off.
Anyway. It's 5am and I'm ramb'ling.
Welcome to Hell - Parts 1 & 2

Here's the first two parts of the Super Arc I promised. I even did a bit of coloring on these to make them flashy.
As I was driving home from Berkeley Wednesday night, this happened. Well, I mean, I ran out of gas and pulled off into a totally dead little side town. I get the hell out of there through and made it to the next city before my car died, thank God. But will I be so lucky in the comic? Atmospheric re-entry is one thing, but this is something else completely.
Parts 3 & 4 will be uploaded on Sunday and Monday, and then it'll be a short break from story arcs. The town I rolled into that night just provided me with too good a story to pass up.
I had a request for a new wallpaper based off panel 3 in "Goodbye Jessica - Part 3."

That bear will be showing up more in the future. He's got his own story and everything. It was an inside joke I think maybe two people could have caught.
Of Delays and Such
I had no access to my computer or the interweb for the last day. Yes I am safely back in Santa Barbara now but most of yesterday was still spent behind the wheel of my car. Sadly, I have missed my deadline for today's comic.
And I hate that.
I'm not VGCats and I'm not about to slip into a lacking update schedule. So for you, faithful readers, today's comic has not been cancelled. Instead it has merely been delayed until tomorrow. With this delay though will come a very beefy update in the form of a very condensed arc. Multiple pages in one day. Think of it not just as something of a small comic book coming at you but more like a giant penis blowing an enormous load into your eyes. That's what tomorrow's update will be. I punish myself for your benifit.
Also, an incredibly sideways answer will be given as to why the comic is called "Replay Value" and not "Random Shit That Happens to Garrett and His Friends - The Comic."
Lastly, I was informed that "Space - Part 4" was missing. Somehow Blogspot didn't upload it the last time I updated the site. It's fixed now, though, so those of you joining us for the first time can now read everything in one flowing rope.
Goodbye Jessica - Part 3
Goodbye Jessica - Part 2

I had to wear my shades several times after she got on the plane today, and it had nothing to do with how bright out it was.
Goodbye Jessica - Part 1

Jessica is my best friend of seven years. (We also dated for three weeks but we've been friends longer than exes so that "doesn't count" or some bullshit. :p ) Tomorrow she's leaving for China to study abroad for three months. As a farewell girft I told her I'd drive her up to the San Fransisco Airport to see her off. So today I'm going to spend all day in Labor Day traffic to get to my friend My's house in Berkeley.
But there's a secong part of that farewell gift, and that's this arc, which I'm calling "Goodbye Jessica."
It's ironic that I'm introducing a character as she's leaving but atleast this way her return has some setup. Also, if I ever refer to her in the future comics you'll know who she is.
Remember, this week updates are happening Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Depending how things go and how long I stay in Berkeley, I might even update on Thursday.
I spoil you, y'know?
008 - Oops

Ok, THIS is Replay Value in true form. Short, sick, and based on a real event. This is pretty much exactly what happened at work today. (The girl in the first panel is the Demo Supervisor at my Trader Joe's. I've worked there for about half a year but she's going to train me for Demo Supervisor, hence she's restating the rules.) Then the last panel is where my twisted imagination shines through. I have a wallpaper of that last panel too I'll put up later today so you can all see the glorious detail. It's not how I would have liked to introduce my job in the comic but I left my script book at my parent's house so I was a bit SOL for today's update. I'll make a better intro for it after the next few arcs.
Speaking of which, there's going to be a mini-arc on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next week. I'll be going out of town for three days and the comic will chronicle my travels up north. Then a break on Thursday and we'll be back to our regular schedule on Friday.
Update: Ok, so, technically it's Saturday now so I dropped the ball. However I not only made and colored a desktop out of the last panel in 008, but I re-wrote the text in the whole thing too. (I like the shortened script better, and the preface atleast lets you know where the comic takes place.)

Yes, those are anal beads hanging from the ceiling and around Garrett's neck.
Yes, those are fountains of TubGirl.
Yes, that is a giant shit-streak behind the KoA logo.
Yes, the arms of the chair are Goatse.
Yes, so is the back of the chair.
Yes, Garrett's crown in a butt with some poop sqeezing out.
Yes, Garrett is standing on a cushion shaped like a butthole.
Thus I dare you to use that as your wallpaper. I personally am going to print it out and hang it on my bathroom door.